A letter from The Head - No. 20-09
This term will go down in Hilton’s history as one of the most unusual. Every one of us has had to adjust to a different way of being, navigating this new and somewhat altered state.…
This term will go down in Hilton’s history as one of the most unusual. Every one of us has had to adjust to a different way of being, navigating this new and somewhat altered state.…
Dear Friends of Hilton, Youth Day In 1981, five years after the momentous events of 16 June 1976, the first black student was enrolled at Hilton College. Over the succeeding years, Hilton has welcomed…
I am an African. I owe my being to the hills and the valleys, the mountains and the glades, the rivers, the deserts, the trees, the flowers, the seas and the ever-changing seasons that define…
From time to time as a parent, as an institution, as a collective, it’s good to feel proud. The article penned by Motheo Makwana and Hlumelo Notshe, and posted on our Facebook page, concerning the…